Glistening white lights.
- At July 31, 2009
- By Molly Chester
I totally lost my iPhone last week. Boo with an extra – ooooo. John and I went on a fantastic hike last Saturday, but with no packed lunch, we were famished driving home at 4:30pm. I barely remember our stop at Whole Foods until the first blueberry popped in my mouth. No excuse, but I think my starving stomach left my cell phone in the grocery basket. Being that it was a weekend, I didn’t even think to grab it until Sunday morning. So, John (who did not give me even one Molly!, during this whole process – god love him) got a spanking new iPhone. He cares more about the bells and whistles than me, and given that I lost dang thing in the first place, I happily took his old one. Well low and behold, the new iPhones take videos! John has a good bit of camera equipment, but nothing that he can whip out at the drop of a spatula. We have been talking about taking videos for a while now. At times, I want to show you how something works, and though I love the magic of word negotiation, certain techniques get lost in two-dimensionality. In our first stab at a video, I show you my growing tomato plants in a 44 second video called Meet My Porch Garden.
Featured Farmer – Shu Takikawa
- At July 15, 2009
- By Molly Chester
The Garden Of…
That’s the name of Shu Takikawa’s farm. The dot, dot, dot is very much a part of the title. With a thick Japanese accent and a permanent eye twinkle, Shu said the name made him feel free. Like he didn’t have to farm this land forever if he didn’t feel like it. He could leave at anytime or maybe (my interpretation) that the land could continue being farmed for many generations, simply plug a name into the dot dot dot. I met Shu when I was calling around for farms to feature on the pilot of Farm to Table. I visited a couple of great farmers, but narrowed it down to Shu and serendipitously enough, a man who apprenticed with him, Jacob Grant. Both fit the small-medium size “farm with soul” bill.