My friend frivolous.
- At November 28, 2010
- By Molly Chester
Nestled within many of the cracks and crevices of my past lies the need to be perfect. Not necessarily the kind of perfection designed to seek external approval, although we’ve all fought those battles every now and again. Haven’t we? Maybe. However, the most common battles of my past have involved wasted time or resources.
Before, when I brought home a pretty new sweater, I needed it to fit just right. I felt failure when it didn’t because I would then have to make the time to return it or feel the waste involved with not. Another example, I would feel uptight when a new kitchen gadget ultimately wasted space and then required the time for a drop-off to Goodwill. My perfectionism also trickled over into money. For example: Halloween costumes. I used to get stressed out while putting together a costume because of the money and time (double whammy) I was spending on something that would quickly be rendered useless.
Ten Nourishing Tips – WAPF 2010
- At November 21, 2010
- By Molly Chester
Mom and I just got back from the Weston A. Price Foundation yearly conference. Here we are, front row, first arrivals to one of our favorite lectures. In the words of my husband, N-E-R-D-S!
Last year, I described how the conference made me want to run around and shove the whole experience in my purse. That feeling must only be experienced by first-timers, right? Nope. This year, I got so excited that I lost all personal belongings. Literally, I would leave my phone at the sign in booth, and before sprinting back downstairs to snag it, I’d set my camera down on the water-fountain. Press repeat.
A warm hug of a scent.
- At November 14, 2010
- By Molly Chester
Last year about this time, I posted a blog mentioning Mulled Cider, but I didn’t share the recipe. Cruel. At the time, the cider was headed for our cookbook; therefore, I couldn’t share just yet. Good news for Organic Spark is, it got cut! Better news is, it’s a really delicious recipe! If yummy recipes are getting cut from the book, I’m happy.
Alongside caramel apples, this non-alcoholic cider created a nice, low-key Halloween for my family & friends last week. But last year, Halloween fell on a Saturday resulting in a late-night gathering in the courtyard of my complex. This same recipe put on its party shoes by adding a shot of unfiltered sake to the bottom of the glass before the warm crock-pot cider was poured on top. It was a hit!
Halloween hangover.
- At November 7, 2010
- By Molly Chester
From browsing for costume supplies at the local craft store to making homemade candy apples, I think Halloween is one awesome holiday. This year, I dressed as an egg. Not just any egg, I was a pastured egg, complete with the bright yellow/orange yolk that only chickens who run around the fields eating bugs & worms can achieve. And Todd? Although it may appear to be a raincoat, Todd is a banana. Food themes this year. Surprise, surprise…
As I’m sure you noticed, Halloween fell on a Sunday. No one wants a raging party on a school night, so we opted for chili, spiced mulled cider (recipe next week!) and caramel apples. Friends popped by as they pleased, until we had to begin carting in the outdoor furniture for supplemental seating. I love a bit of wholesome chaos.