Building a new home…
- At February 21, 2011
- By Molly Chester
That is my Jeopardy formed answer to the question, “How much has Molly been working on a brand new website for Organic Spark?” I begin so, in honor of both a super-computer beating a human on Jeopardy and my own computer dominating my race to the finish line of this new site.
A slave to my computer’s every need, my eyes become fixed and hair frazzled. Pulled along by the organized homework assignments of my amazing web designer (and cousin) Damon Morda of Branded Clever. Damon is turning a big, unsettling project into something that is actually manageable for a person who gets a bit big-eyed around core reconstruction involving technology. He is organized, talented, stylish and almost always… one step ahead of me. Thank you Damon!
Pushing boundaries…
- At February 13, 2011
- By Molly Chester
Approximately 15 seconds after taking the above picture, I dropped my fish on the ground. I believe I was the only professionally trained student in the class and the only one who had to pick blades of grass from their fish’s gills. Nice.
I’ve been yammering on about River Cottage in Axminster, England recently, for example here and here. After our weekend vacation to Axminster, John headed back to Norwich for work, and I stayed on to take the Fish Class. I knew we’d be working with the whole fish, partly the reason I signed up. Fillet’s really don’t jive with the mission of River Cottage, and my goal was to stare each fish straight in the eye and tackle any bubbling squeamishness. I needed a mentor to take away the mystery of working with a whole fish, someone to guide me through and make it seem everyday. And that… I found.
A simple diet of love.
- At February 6, 2011
- By Molly Chester
Home feels so good. I’m going to electronically hop back to England next week (the actual 10 hour flight from LAX to Heathrow in no way resembles a mere “hop”) to tell you about the Fish Course that I took at River Cottage, because I learned too much not to share. But first, I thought it was time for a break and a salad, because I didn’t eat a whole lot of salads while on vacation, unless of course they were covered in chocolate.