Thanks Todd.
- At July 7, 2014
- By Molly Chester
Can you see the pure mixture of fear and intense concentration in those eyes? Our dog Todd looks like this every minute of every day that both John and I are not within a 25-foot radius of him. His dog world has one rule. We never, ever leave him. . . ever. And in return, he will be the best dog on the planet. Certain Saturdays, we do leave him. We buckle down the house – twice – because he’s been known to jump through screens and open doors.
When we first got Todd, the separation anxiety was much worse, which seems hard to imagine. We lived in an apartment where barking was just not OK, and we tried everything. I actually own a meditative CD called “Through a Dog’s Ear” that didn’t work. Lavender essential oil, high-pitched noise machines and a Citronella collar, all paled to his anxiety. Actually, the Citronella collar day resulted in a barking, panicked dog in a room that smelled like oranges; the collar was completely empty.
I decided doggie daycare was the only way, but the only one I could find in West LA, where we lived at the time, was at a private residence. As I entered the person’s living room with Todd, the owner told me we could put Todd out back with Natalie, who was watching the other doggie daycare pups. I told the owner that I didn’t think that was such a good idea, as Todd was unfamiliar with the space. He insisted; I backed off, and I had no sooner walked back to the living room and Todd was standing at my feet. He’d jumped 5 feet off the ground through a vent that was at the top of a door.
John and I used to fall asleep talking about what the heck we were going to do with Todd. We were attached, but he was running our lives. We decided we needed a farm, and now, we still say that Todd is the real reason why we are farming. He’s taken to it quite well.
Thanks to a farm filled with people, animals and exercise for Todd, I now have other, better problems than what to do with our barking dog. Lately it was what to do with a whole pile of carrots. Here’s what I came up with…
When you have an abundance of carrots, try Sparky Carrots & Cauliflower. The cheesy bite from Nutritional Yeast is delicious and filled with B-Vitamins to boot!
Todd must LOVE his owners more than anything :) He is one beautiful dog–you should consider entering the first picture of Todd in to a dog magazine, because it is awesome–& other female dogs must be mesmerized by his handsome-ness & amazing blue eyes!
Sparky is a great name for this dish, & Todd seems sparky, too ;)
Sandy Schrecengost
Todd is the best. Period. This carrot dish is a close second.
What a neat way to present a recipe, Molly. You are a very talented writer and I admire the “let go” spirit of trusting what was better for your dog, ended up being a wonderful change for you two. Well, maybe your personal journey wasn’t exactly mapped by Todd, but it is inspiring to think it could have influenced you.
Todd is impressively handsome.
( and I have multi-seed crackers in the dehydrator!! Yes!!! To add: I had liver patte for lunch today – your recipe, of course! the only one accepted in my home)
Your blog is beautiful and inspiring. I only wish you posted more! I have enjoyed slowly reading through all of your posts and look forward to more.
Todd is such a beautiful dog. We too have a dog that has separation anxiety. He’s a 4.5 pounds toy puddle that is the happiest when the four of us are at home with him. He almost cries when we have to leave him alone and is so excited to welcome us back at the moment we open the door. I’m sure he also will be happy if he could live in a farm. Next time we go to California we will try to visit your farm and if possible to bring our dog with us.
Tilly Mae Sloan
Todd your are the best. I remember you and your kindness when you graced the Sloans home in Matthews NC with that god aweful RV…your Dad promised to replace the post that you all took out as you left our home… but Guess What… I did not care if your RV smash our whole home…for I loved you and those Blue Eyes. My mom will fly to you and bring my kisses. FYI she is looking to buy those dang Chickens like you have! How do you tolerate them?