Thinking about lunch.
- At January 27, 2014
- By Molly Chester
She’s not short on personality, that little person. I’m pretty positive she also had a good one liner after she nailed my brother in the face with that snowball. John and I spent post-Christmas thru New Year’s in Colorado with friends, including my brother and his family. Strong arm (above) is my niece Sophie, her brother Jesse’s in the background.
I skied. I don’t love to ski. I don’t hate it, either, but I do find myself thinking about lunch a lot. Sophie told me her favorite thing about skiing is the hot chocolate afterwards. We could hang. I mostly enjoy how I feel after skiing – bone tired and relaxed – except that one time where I fell backwards down the mountain and cracked my head so hard that my teeth chattered. That night I didn’t feel so relaxed, nor the next morning. However, I also like the views. Mountains take my breath away, similar to looking up at the stars. And, breathing crisp air is nice. So . . . the sum total of skiing is – Doable.
Sophie’s mom, Megan, and I thankfully got a massage the day after my head crack.
In the dressing room of the spa was a little wooden bowl with a lid next to the sink with a sign that said – 30 Second Hand Treatment. Inside was simply coarse sea salt in oil with herbs and essential oils. I came home and made some immediately! In the dry winter months, I’ll be keeping this by my kitchen sink. If you live in the desert like me or pretty much anywhere else in the wintertime, you must try this!
Take a crack at the 30-Second Hand Treatment recipe . . .